Our Commitment to Our Customers
Facet MountTM delivers concept, design, engineering and manufacturing of superior hardware solutions for solar and mechanical equipment installations. The Facet MountTM team has been developing advanced products for solar and other industries for decades, helping improve cost, performance and installation time. Our commitment to our customers is to create smart, innovative solutions. As a team, we’ve developed and built hundreds of megawatts of PV solar and constructed countless roofs. Because of our deep installation experience, we see first-hand opportunities to do some things better. When we see such an opportunity, we develop a solution and bring it to market. Our goal is to make your installations less expensive, easier and stronger.
We find clever, less costly, easier to install solutions for a wide range of products serving the solar and equipment installation industries.
High Quality
Every product we produce is designed and fabricated for the long haul, performing to out last the lifetime of all other components.
Cost Effective
Our team has contributed to lowering installation costs since the 1990’s. Each product we produce supports this continuous cost-down model.
The patented FacetTM system is a rock-solid mounting device and proven to be the strongest link in your installation chain. With pull out strength >10,000lbs, and shear strength >6,000lbs. you will be able to build in any condition with complete confidence that you have sufficient strength to keep your equipment firmly attached to the roof. FacetTM is also available with a pre-formed reinforced flashing cover (picture shown with TPO) that mates perfectly with FacetTM and is available in most manufacturer’s product.
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"SST builds lots of PV systems and is continually searching for better, faster and cheaper solutions. It’s great when we find a product that delivers all three. Facet has proven to us to be the easiest roof mounting solution to install and, with the demonstrated strength, installs require fewer mounts. Being able to fully assemble the racking before putting deck screws into the roof has greatly reduced our installation and layout time. The price is right, allowing us to meet our tight budgets. We’ve made the choice to use Facet for all of our non-ballasted rooftop installations."
James McCrea – Director of Construction at SunSystem Technologies, LLC
"D7 is one of the premier roofing contractors in the western US, with a long resume of solar installations and decades of roofing experience. We have literally seen every roof mount product available. Based on our experience, we were thrilled to discover the Facet system from Facet Mount. Facet is faster and easier to install than any other mount we’ve used, and the formed flashing makes waterproofing simple and perfect. We install a lot of solar, and since we’ve found Facet, we’ll select it for every job we can. This is a great product!"
Jeff Williamson – CEO, D7 Roofing Services, Inc
"Enable Energy is a solar PV EPC with offices in California, Hawaii and Guam. For our rooftop projects, we prefer using a penetrating system over ballasted. We work very hard to control our costs, ensuring our customers get a great project at a great value. To achieve this, we select the best solutions in terms of performance, procurement costs and installation labor. For our roof mounts, we only use the Facet system. The price is 10%-40% less than alternative products, which makes a big difference. The performance is absolutely superior, allowing us to use full rail spans and to build in extreme weather locations. And, since we are able to assemble the rails before screwing the Facets into the roof, we’re able to accurately budget just 5 minutes per mount for a complete installation."
Steve Crivelli - Director of Construction, Enable Energy, Inc
6MW project installed with Facets